< Web-based solutions to real life business problems />

Starting life as just a geek in a shed, The Code Guy (Paul), produces software and web based solutions as well as devleloping SaaS solutions.  
Take a look around, read more, and maybe pop in for a cup of tea - kettle's on!

From rapid prototypes (something quick to test out your idea, see if it's feasible, try with a few clients before committing to a much larger build) to data manipulation and management systems, and of course websites, e-commerce sites, and mobile apps. This is our core - taking your idea, your problem, and solving it.  Paul  "The Code Guy" has vast experience in analysing a business, identifying issues, areas that can be improved on and speccing and ultimately developing a solution to improve your business.

We're your development partner- with stonking designers


ASP.Net content management and order management for bespoke websites...

Task Board

The ultimate communication platform enabling you to work smarter!


Our innovative new way to order lunch

We have a long standing relationship with English Cream Tea; we now work to maintain and update their ecommecre website and enjoy all the wonderful treats they bring to our meetings.

A betting shop touchscreen display that offers news, tips, results and statistics for horse racing, greyhound racing and football

Acticheck keeps your loved ones safe; we built the database, portal, service layer and communication system that works with the band. The product works with the Assure™ personal alert system, 3-tier web application.

Online based patient/client referral web application and mobile app

We give regular support and updates for Citizens Advice Uttlesford; with ongoing support we also get great cups of tea!

We continue to work on Find the Needle with ongoing maintenance work and updates to their website.

Ahhh, the internet, how we love thee… it’s made so many plans come together, between people who might have never met otherwise. Physical, temporal restrictions aren’t a factor in today’s digital economy, and that’s led millions of entrepreneurs to consider outsourcing their web projects. Why rely on yourself when there’s a coding braniac a few clicks away?

Copy of All The Right Questions: Why Young People Inspire Us

Sometimes, just sometimes, social media throws an amazing bone our way. For those of you who haven’t read the internship application posted by Kat Borlongan, co-founder of Five by Five innovation consultants, on her Facebook page, prepare to have your hearts melted.

How To Manage A Team From Your Garden Shed

You probably know by now that The Code Guy HQ is Paul’s garden shed. Sure, it may not be a rickety old shack – it’s a pretty slick operation in here, you know – but we’re constantly being asked how we built a growing business without surrendering our souls to the city. 

We're ready to get stuck in whenever you are...it all starts with an email

...oh, and tea!