5 Tasks That Every Business Should Automate

5 Tasks That Every Business Should Automate

There’s a lot of anxiety about automation at the moment: from autopilot systems to an ever-heavier reliance on factory line robots, many people are watching nervously as computers fill our shoes more comfortably every day.

Be that as it may, the smaller stuff can only benefit from automated work. Emails, admin, keeping digital files from the netherworld of corruption…it’s hardly Rise of the Machines, is it? If we do end up subjugated by artificial intelligence, at least we can say we ran our businesses to their prime efficiency. Here are The Code Guy’s top 5 automated tasks you can benefit from:

1. Invoice delivery & reminders

You can spread yourself thin with invoice demands, muddling clients up as you send out and track who’s supposed to owe what on a certain deadline. Even slight mistakes in billing information can lump you with undue stress. You’ll kick yourself for not taking advantage of automated invoice assistance, some of which comes with software that reminds you or your contacts of an overdue payment.

2. Information backup

Automated backup systems make sure your valuable data has a home for life. We’re only human beings, and chaos is part of our nature. Accidents can happen to anyone, but business owners will suffer from them in very real terms of livelihood. Before you put yourself at risk, hunt out a Cloud-based backup provider, so your info isn’t just locked in perishable hardware.

3. Email marketing

Capitalising on email contacts is a vital ingredient of a business owner's true instincts. These are people who’ve already made the leap to supplying a direct method of communication – staying on top of this privilege will be the making of your marketing channel. Automated emails ensure you never miss a beat when it comes to blanketing your contact list in thoughtful, punchy newsletters or promotions.

4. Social media posts

The intoxicating chalice of social media is a tonic that businesspeople turn to more and more these days; there’s massive potential in a regular posting schedule, showing that you’re switched on and engaged with your target audience. However, they don’t need to know that you aren’t uploading every post in real time, do they? Try an automated programme instead, scheduling posts at specific times to maximise your readership.

5. Delegation

For businesses managing a large number of outside contributors, project management can seem like a web of competing priorities. You have to delegate the right tasks to those who can perform them, in addition to staying on top of deadlines. Our newest web platform, Skwish, enables you to set jobs way in advance for any number of workers, to streamline your workflow and make project management a doddle.

Still doubtful over what automated processes can do for you? They’re just one part of what makes a fantastic business what it is. To find out how we can ensure you never let a single thing slip past your attention again, give The Code Guy a call. We promise not to use our best robot voice…

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