5 Things Your Website Could Probably Do Better

5 Things Your Website Could Probably Do Better

Instead of settling for fairly average web features, it’s worth looking at the scope of your site’s development, and questioning whether everything really is the best it can be. Here are the top 5 things you mightn’t have considered:

1. Breathing room 

Our first point rests at a visual level, and it’s a factor that creeps into all design work. Essentially, we’re talking about packing too much into a single page – images, text and graphics can look daunting if they’re in close proximity to one another.

Space is a vital aspect of netting someone’s attention; what’s the point of coming up with a great visual if they’re distracted by four or five others? You should aim for sparsity now and then, increasing the power of a singular effect.

2. Clear contact info

Prospects will be scratching their heads if they can’t work out where you’re based and how to contact you. Social links, in particular, are becoming more pertinent and expected. A Google Maps widget is ideal for clarifying directions, whilst a smooth, sleek contact form allows enquiries to come directly through your website.

3. Bite-sized categories

The more you break down what you do, the easier it is for people to see their solution leaping out of the screen. Whether you’re a service provider or an online retailer, users want to find what they need quickly and intuitively.

Each page should have a simple title that surmises one facet of the business – a clothing company, for instance, should isolate tops, trousers, shoes and accessories into dedicated categories.

4. Convenient payments

If your website is falling at the final hurdle, it could be down to a sluggish or overly-complex payment feature. E-commerce sites rise and fall on their checkout functionality. So don’t ever try to make people fill out endless forms before they can complete that coveted purchase.

5. Mobile-friendly design

More and more shoppers are using mobile devices when making a purchase. This trend can’t be ignored, as the prolificacy of phones and tablets is climbing ever higher. As such, mobile sites should have streamlined, user-centric features, like a single-scroll layout and larger, finger-friendly buttons for added usability.

Like we said, these features are easy to overlook – that’s why many websites float their way through the internet without being corrected. The Code Guy can’t help but sigh when we stumble over businesses that don’t quite meet our high standards.

However, hope is not lost: we are the remedy to all of the above and more. An adherence to UX drives everything we do, ensuring our geeks never let a sub-par feature slip through the net. Get in touch to ask about how we go above and beyond with our web development projects…

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